Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New Pets!!

We have 2 NEW PETS!! We just got a brand new border collie/mcnab puppy and we named her Zoey. She is a joy, and a handful. She is very tolerant of the kids, as you can see:)
We also just recieved a new pony. Kaeden named her Addie. She is a beautiful, calm, sweet pony that we can hardly believe is ours. Kaeden has been riding her daily and she seems to really like it here. We are going to get her a friend soon, probably a goat:) We are really taking advantage of our 10 acres.
We are also experiencing the tarantula migration through our area. They are pretty ugly, but they are not aggressive and they just make their way by and don't bother anyone or anything.

1 comment:

~*~Janelle~*~ said...

Oh my goodness a PONY??? Okay, we're coming down. How can I tell the girls you got a pony and NOT come to visit? They're going to be so jealous...we may just have to move in.

And a puppy, eh? Awwwhhh...hopefully she'll be just as sweet as Cricket..I don't know though, Cricket is a tough act to follow.