Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Getting Big!!

We are finally getting settled at our new house in Templeton, just like the rat from Charlotte's Web :) Kaeden is loving Kindergarten and Ella has a big girl pony tail now. We are really enjoying being back on the central coast. We are ready for some Fall weather though. It's too hot this year. Maybe we'll have an extra cold Winter. I can only hope.
Ella just finished her first session of Gymnastics and now it's Kaeden's turn. He starts next Tuesday in his tumbling class. They are keeping me very busy.
Rick is also busy these days rebuilding his horseshoeing client list. He picked up Cal Poly State University recently and we are very excited as it is a potentially large account. They have a lot of horses on campus. We are so blessed and we feel so grateful for the way that things are just falling into place.


~*~Janelle~*~ said...

I'll be praying about the Cal Poly account, that'd be a huge blessing. Then you could FLY us down there to visit!! Hahaha!!

Just a Small Town Girl said...

So glad you guys are getting settled. Look forward to more blogs from you! I cannot believe how big the kids are getting!