Had to chat with Santa before Christmas. Stopped by for some last minute plotting on Friday, the 23rd. Kaeden and Ella clearly see the benefits of this encounter, while Gavin is simply not so sure.
I was born and raised in Northern California where I finished high school and one year of college. I then transferred to Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo where I earned my BS in Agricultural Science with a concentration in Animal Science. I also completed my Master's credits and my High School Agriculture teaching credential. I am currently an at home mom of an eight year old son, Kaeden, a five year old daughter, Ella, and a twenty month old son, Gavin. I love being with them and plan to do so until they are all in school full time. My husband and I married ten years ago and have been essentially growing up together. We've taught each other a lot. We are a strong family trying to learn to keep God in the center.